Getting Ready for the Big Leagues
Ready to give the Academy Nicholl Fellowship your best shot? Been a semi-finalist at Sundance but can’t get over the hump to a higher competition finish? This is the script consultation package just for you!
With most major contest deadlines falling between March and May, NOW is the time to get your submissions in the best shape possible. Several huge contests have final entries in May, and we have the path forward to help you get your best script into the competition.
Let ProPath Screenwriting guide you through the process that has netted over a dozen Austin semi-finalists and finalists; half a dozen Nicholl Fellowship top 30 placements; and a Nicholl Fellowship winner in the last three years.
PATH one
The Silver First Draft Package
The Details
Meeting 1: 1:1 zoom call to discuss your project and where you want to take it
Meeting 2: Character development and story mapping – you’ll present character development exercises and your story outline for written notes followed by a 1:1 zoom call to discuss the notes
Meeting 3: Act One: You’ll submit your first act for written notes followed by a 1:1 zoom call to discuss the notes
Meeting 4: Act Two: You’ll submit your second act for written notes followed by a 1:1 zoom call to discuss the notes
Meeting 5: Act Three: You’ll submit your third act for written notes followed up by a 1:1 zoom call to discuss the notes
Meeting 6: The full draft: You’ll submit your entire script for a full read with written notes followed up by a 1:1 zoom call to discuss the full script notes.
Deciding If This Is Right For You
If you have your dream contest script in mind, but you don’t yet have a first draft. This is a great option for you. We’ll walk you through your first draft and give notes along the way!
What You'll Learn
Over six sessions we will cover all the major elements of the craft and how to enhance their impact, improving your script’s chances in contests and the marketplace.
The fee for the Silver First Draft Package is $1250.

path two
The Silver Rewrite Package
The Details
Includes all the offerings of the First Draft Package. Plus:
Meeting 1: A full read of your current draft with written notes and a 1:1 zoom call to discuss the notes and discuss the rewrite plan of attack instead of a discussion of your general project.
Meeting 2: Written exercises to reinforce the character notes and notes on your full rewrite outline with a 1:1 call to discuss.
Meeting 3: Act One: You’ll submit your rewritten first act for written notes followed by a 1:1 zoom call to discuss the notes
Meeting 4: Act Two: You’ll submit your rewritten second act for written notes followed by a 1:1 zoom call to discuss the notes.
Meeting 5: Act Three: You’ll submit your rewritten third act for written notes followed up by a 1:1 zoom call to discuss the notes.
Meeting 6: The full draft: You’ll submit your entire rewritten script for a full review with written notes followed up by a 1:1 zoom call to discuss the full script.
Deciding If This Is Right For You
If you have a first draft of a script you’d like to take to the next level, this is a great option for you. We’ll walk you through your rewrite and give actionable notes along the way!
What You'll Learn
Over six sessions we will cover all the major elements of the craft and how to enhance their impact, improving your script’s chances in contests and the marketplace.
The fee for the Silver Rewrite Package is $1500.
The Gold First Draft Package
The Details
Meeting 1: 1:1 zoom call to discuss your project and where you want to take it
Meeting 2: Character design and development. Using guided writing exercises we’ll start to develop and design your characters to maximum impact followed by a 1:1 zoom call to discuss your character work.
Meeting 3: Outline! In a 1:1 zoom call, we’ll discuss the written notes on your first draft of your outline.
Meeting 4: Outline draft #2. In a 1:1 zoom call we’ll discuss the written notes on your rewritten outline.
Meeting 5: The first 20 pages. In a 1:1 zoom call we’ll discuss the written notes on your first 20 script pages focusing on the setup of character/situation/problem.
Meeting 6: Pages 20 – 40. In a 1:1 zoom call we’ll discuss the written notes on pages 20 to 40 of your script with a focus on maximizing a clear first act break.
Meeting 7: Pages 40 – 60. In a 1:1 zoom call we’ll discuss the written notes on pages 40 to 60 of your script with a focus on the emotional mid-point turn.
Meeting 8: Pages 60 – 80. In a 1:1 zoom call we’ll discuss the written notes on pages 60 to 80 of your script with an emphasis on an effective false ending.
Meeting 9: Pages 80 to the end. In a 1:1 zoom call we’ll discuss the written notes on the climax of your script with a focus on bringing all the elements together for an effective and emotionally satisfying ending.
Meeting 10: The final full read. In a 1:1 zoom call we’ll discuss the written notes on your full draft with an emphasis on a rewrite to tighten up the script for submission.
Plus! One round of copyediting on a draft of the script.
Deciding If This Is Right For You
If you have your dream contest script in mind, but you don’t yet have a first draft. This is a great option for you. We’ll walk you through your first draft and give detailed notes along the way!
What You'll Learn
Over ten sessions we will cover all the major elements of the craft and how to enhance their impact, improving your script’s chances in contests and the marketplace. Plus! One round of copyediting on a draft of the script.
The fee for the Gold First Draft Package is $2250.

Path Four
The Gold Rewrite Package
The Details
Includes all the offerings of the Gold First Draft package AND:
Meeting 1: A full read of your current draft with written notes and a 1:1 zoom call to discuss the notes and discuss the rewrite plan of attack instead of a discussion of your general project.
Meeting 2: Character design and development. Using guided writing exercises we’ll start to develop and design your characters to maximum impact followed by a 1:1 zoom call to discuss your character work.
Meeting 3: Outline! In a 1:1 zoom call, we’ll discuss the written notes on your first draft of your rewrite outline.
Meeting 4: Outline draft #2. In a 1:1 zoom call we’ll discuss the written notes on your rewritten outline.
Meeting 5: The first 20 pages. In a 1:1 zoom call we’ll discuss the written notes on your first 20 rewritten script pages focusing on the setup of character/situation/problem.
Meeting 6: Pages 20 – 40. In a 1:1 zoom call we’ll discuss the written notes on pages 20 to 40 of your rewritten script with a focus on maximizing a clear first act break.
Meeting 7: Pages 40 – 60. In a 1:1 zoom call we’ll discuss the written notes on pages 40 to 60 of your rewrite with a focus on the emotional mid-point turn.
Meeting 8: Pages 60 – 80. In a 1:1 zoom call we’ll discuss the written notes on pages 60 to 80 of your rewrite with an emphasis on an effective false ending.
Meeting 9: Pages 80 to the end. In a 1:1 zoom call we’ll discuss the written notes on the climax of your rewrite with a focus on bringing all the elements together for an effective and emotionally satisfying ending.
Meeting 10: The final full read. In a 1:1 zoom call we’ll discuss the written notes on the full draft of your rewrite with an emphasis on the next rewrite to tighten up the script for submission.
Plus! One round of copyediting on the final draft of the script.
Deciding If This Is Right For You
If you have a first draft of a script you’d like to take to the next level, this is a great option for you. We’ll walk you through your rewrite and give detailed notes along the way!
What You'll Learn
Over ten sessions we will cover all the major elements of the craft and how to enhance their impact, improving your script’s chances in contests and the marketplace. Plus! One round of copyediting on a draft of the script.
The fee for the Gold Rewrite Package is $2500.
Important Dates to Keep in Mind!
- Nicholl Fellowship: The entry fee for each script is $48 if submitted by March 3, $63 if submitted by April 3, and $88 if submitted by May 3.
- Deadlines for Austin Film Festival (AFF): March, April and May (increased pricing as well).
- Please make sure to check the websites of both contests to ensure you have the right dates and entry fee pricing!