The Beginner’s Path
Start Your Journey
Have you always dreamed of writing that script that’s been bouncing around your head for years?
Are you a journalist, novelist, poet, Twitter dabbler, or someone who just likes to write and has always wanted to try another way to express yourself?
At ProPath we’re here to help writers of all experience levels. If you have a general idea of where to start, but don’t know how to begin, we’re here to help get you started!
6 Steps to Help Get You Started Writing Your Feature Script or TV Pilot
Read Books
Read about the process of script writing and get into some basics. Here are some of our recommendations:
Ask A Pro
Join our series of free AMAs (Ask Me Anything) that cover all aspects of the craft. Make sure you sign up and engage!
Video Tips
Check out our videos. We are continually adding insightful tip videos to help writers of all levels of experience hone their craft.
Read Scripts
The best way to learn how to do something, especially writing scripts, is to read what others have created. Study these and you will start to understand everything from format to structure and character. Whether you are interested in TV or movies, we have scripts for you to study.
1:1 Consultation
Ready to start, but not quite ready for a class? We offer 1:1 beginner consultations to work with you individually and get you ready to start your journey.
Watch Closely
Watch the genre you are most passionate about and break it down. Watch for similarities (trust us, there will be many). Watch your genre from different eras, whether it is TV or movies. You’ll start to see the structure and the patterns. Take notes.
And then… Read more scripts! You truly cannot read enough scripts and you will learn from each one (the good, the bad and the ugly).
Take the Next Step
We’re here to support writers from the first brainstorm to the final draft. Check out all of our Beginner Classes, Workshops and Guides to ensure you have all the support you need at every step of the way.
Beginner One-On-Ones
Work one-on-one with a seasoned guide to learn the basics of screenwriting.
Intermediate One-On-Ones
Continue your one-on-one journey and complete your first script.
The First Step Workshop
Write a complete script in a supportive setting with other writers at your level.