The Beginner’s Path: The Next Level

Want to Take Things Up a Notch?

Ready to take your writing journey to another level? The Beginner’s Path, Intermediate Edition is designed to help you finish the script you started in the Beginner’s Path course or for writers early in their screenwriting journey who have already finished a script and would like to rewrite in a supportive 1:1 environment.

ProPath Intermediate one on one

The Beginner’s Path: Intermediate Edition

Over the course of six 1:1 sessions, we will dive into a new script or rewrite, breaking it down act by act as you create your world.

We will go into even more detail on scenework, writing action, and dialogue with one of our instructors (all working writers) giving you detailed notes on each act as you complete it and ultimately, on your story as a whole.

You will write at your own pace and come away from this course with a completed first draft or rewrite.

In our final session, you will receive detailed coverage from one of our expert readers and line notes from one of our instructors.

Just getting started, not ready for the intermediate level yet?

Check out our 1:1 offering for beginning writers first.

Here’s the Syllabus We’ve Curated Specifically for Both TV Writers and Screenwriters at the Intermediate Level

Dive deep with our instructors in the next phase of the Beginner’s Path journey while continuing to develop your potention and keeping you focused on your creative path.

Session One

Topic: Formulating A Plan

We will discuss the project you will be working on over the course of our time together. Whether it is a new script or a rewrite, we will see where you are and decide where we need to go.

Homework: Act One (pages 1-30)

Session Two

Topic: Act One

In this session, we will discuss Act One of your screenplay with special attention to the important guideposts of the act (hook, inciting incident, point of no return, etc.) and make sure you hook the audience and do not let go.

Homework: Act Two A (pages 31-60)

Session Three

Topic: Act Two A

In this session, we will discuss Act Two A of your screenplay with special attention to the important guideposts of the act (step up, ramp up to the midpoint, etc.) and make sure you are on the right path to create a tense and compelling second act.

Homework: Act Two B (pages 61-90)

Session Four

Topic: Act Two B

In this session, we will discuss Act Two B of your screenplay with special attention to the important guideposts of the act (midpoint, all is lost moment, etc.) and make sure you are still on the right track to creating a tense lead up to the climax.

Homework: Act Three (pages 90-???)

Session Five

Topic: Act Three

In this session, we will talk through your third act, discuss whether or not the ending delivers on the promise of the beginning, and examine the resolution.

Homework: Polish the Complete Script

Session Six

Topic: The Full Script

An instructor does a full read of your completed script with detailed page notes covering all elements of the craft and a one hour Zoom call to discuss the notes and coverage and help you develop a plan for what is next.

Level Up with Beginner’s Path: Intermediate Sessions

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Payment plans are available upon request.
