
Make Your First Ten Sing

We know how very important those first ten pages of your TV or feature film script are. Without a great first ten, the chances that the reader continues are pretty slim. Solve that right out of the gate with our specialized readers who will provide detailed feedback (1-2 pages) on how to turn your first 10 pages into page-turners.

Cost: $49

First 10 Pages Plus

Includes everything in our First 10 pages consult plus an hour-long video conference to review the written feedback, answer questions and provide recommendations on how to maximize the impact of your first ten pages.

Cost: $149

Two hands entwined with an engagment ring on the woman's hand
Two hands entwined with an engagment ring on the woman's hand

First 30 Pages

If you are a bit further along in your script and feel like it’s a good time for a real check on your direction, our first 30 pages consult is the option for you. Our reader will provide four to six pages of detailed written feedback of the first thirty pages of your script with a focus on establishing characters, situation and problem, and how those characters’ actions serve to set up the narrative drive of your script.

Cost: $179

First 30 Pages Plus

Includes everything in our First 30 Pages consult AND an hour long video conference to review the written feedback, answer questions and provide recommendations on how to better maximize the impact of your first act.

Cost: $279
