Get the Most Out of Your RomCom Script
Script coverage is an important tool to utilize as you work to prepare your romcom script for the marketplace. With out experience in features, TV, and streaming services, we can help you overcome the obstacles that may sabotaging the impact of your script. We also know, first hand, the differences that each streamer or network looks for to make their content uniquely their own. From Hallmark and Lifetime with their with their 9 acts versus Hulu, Amazon, Netflix, Disney+, and Apple+ with the more traditional feature architecture, it’s critical your script fits where you’d like it to go.
RomCom Basics Coverage
Our experienced team will read your completed screenplay and provide a full synopsis and three to four pages of written notes addressing all the major elements of the craft with specific suggestions for improvement.
Guaranteed within 10 business days. Full synopsis, plus 3-4 pages of detailed written notes.
Romantic Comedy Feature film script (90 – 120 pages): $139
Email us for prices to add a half hour zoom call to discuss your rom-com coverage with the reader/consultant.

The Basics Plus RomCom Coverage
The Basics Plus includes a full read of your script with 3-4 pages of coverage AND detailed page notes in the PDF addressing all the elements of the craft (premise, concept, structure, character, subplots, dialogue, theme). Our fee for The Basics Plus is as follows:
RomCom Feature Film (90-120 pages) $500
Email us for prices to add a half hour zoom call to discuss your rom-com coverage with the reader/consultant.
The Next Level RomCom Coverage
The Next Level includes an initial read of your script with 3-4 pages of coverage AND detailed page notes AND a one hour call to discuss the notes and devise a rewrite plan of attack. After your rewrite, we do another read of the same romcom script, with another round of detailed page notes and a second one hour call to discuss the new draft notes. Our fee for The Next Level RomCom Coverage is as follows:
RomCom Feature Film (90-120 pages) $900