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FREE RomCom Seminar with Talia Gonzalez
Discovering Your Screenwriter Voice
Write Your Rom-Com!
Chuck Kim’s Outline Workshop
Elevate Your Writing Group’s Craft
Build Your Creative Communiuty With Tim
ProPath’s 434 with Linda Voorhees
Writing the Romantic Comedy with Erin
RomCom Workshop Intensive with Zac
Write a Rom-Com in Ten Sessions
What Comes First, the Outline or the Script?
One Hour TV Pilot Workshop
One Hour TV Spec Workshop
Beginner Screenwriting Workshop
Holiday All Day Seminar
Secrets of the Romantic Comedy
Secrets of the Supernatural Horror Universe
Writers Eat Your Veggies
What TV Fellowships are Looking For
RomCom World
Holiday All Day Seminar
Write a Rom-Com in Ten Sessions
Writing the Romantic Comedy
Writing the Romantic Comedy with Erin
Romcom Workshop Intensive with Zac
RomCom Coverage
Perfect Your RomCom Pitch
RomCom Logline Consultation
RomCom First Ten Pages
The Beginner’s Path
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Beginner’s Path One-on-Ones
Beginner’s Path: Intermediate One-on-Ones
Beginner’s Workshop
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10 Week Screenplay and TV Pilot Consultations
Pitch Development
Pilot or Feature Logline Consultation
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Workshops & Seminars
Free Webinars
FREE RomCom Seminar with Talia Gonzalez
Discovering Your Screenwriter Voice
Write Your Rom-Com!
Chuck Kim’s Outline Workshop
Elevate Your Writing Group’s Craft
Build Your Creative Communiuty With Tim
ProPath’s 434 with Linda Voorhees
Writing the Romantic Comedy with Erin
RomCom Workshop Intensive with Zac
Write a Rom-Com in Ten Sessions
What Comes First, the Outline or the Script?
One Hour TV Pilot Workshop
One Hour TV Spec Workshop
Beginner Screenwriting Workshop
Holiday All Day Seminar
Secrets of the Romantic Comedy
Secrets of the Supernatural Horror Universe
Writers Eat Your Veggies
What TV Fellowships are Looking For
RomCom World
Holiday All Day Seminar
Write a Rom-Com in Ten Sessions
Writing the Romantic Comedy
Writing the Romantic Comedy with Erin
Romcom Workshop Intensive with Zac
RomCom Coverage
Perfect Your RomCom Pitch
RomCom Logline Consultation
RomCom First Ten Pages
The Beginner’s Path
Quick Start Guide
Beginner’s Path One-on-Ones
Beginner’s Path: Intermediate One-on-Ones
Beginner’s Workshop
Consults & Coverage
Individual Consultations
Contest Prep
10 Week Screenplay and TV Pilot Consultations
Pitch Development
Pilot or Feature Logline Consultation
First Ten Pages
Give the Gift of Creativity: ProPath Screenwriting Gift Certificates
New to Screenwriting? Start Here!
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TV Shows and Films To Help Your Writing
ProPath Screenwriting Code of Conduct
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