Interested in Teaching for ProPath?
We offer a unique situation for instructors at ProPath and we get quite a few questions so please read through below and contact us if you are interested in chatting.
We help writers write their best work in whatever way that means for them. It could mean signing a manager. It could mean winning a contest. It could mean simply writing the movie they’ve had in their head all their lives. It could also mean that big one in a million sale.
Our goal is to understand what our writer’s want to achieve and to help guide them with the best feedback, structure, and support system we can offer.
We pride ourselves on our partnerships with our instructors. You are the leader of your workshop, but we’re always just an email, text, or call away. We work with you, depending on your level of instruction experience, to help build the best plan for you and your writers.
- We do require instructors with “real world” experience. This is a critical component of understanding and knowing the industry – we pride ourselves on bridging that gap for our writers.
- Be an ally. Our workshops are open to any and all in a supportive, non-judgemental environment. We expect our workshops to be safe spaces.
- Let us know how we can support you.
- Keep an open dialogue with our admin and leadership team so we know when and how we can help support your teaching experience better and more effectively.
What Isn’t a Problem for Us:
Working writer? Possibly have a job lined up and don’t know what your schedule is? We can work with that. We prefer working writers as instructors even if it means we have to move a workshop or find a replacement instructor. We know how important it is that you get staffed, get that pitch, get the opportunity to make it to that next level for your career. We will support you in any way possible. We also will market your past present and future work. We are a community and we believe in supporting the writers.
What You’ll Never Hear from Us:
We know some places don’t allow you to teach at multiple places. We don’t think that’s fair. We’re open to any and all instructors teaching at other places or working at other jobs; we’re not here to stand in the way of you making a living or expanding your experiences.
What You Can Expect from Us:
We pay what we feel is fair – which means we understand you are also a working writer and our job is to take care of the admin work, find your workshop attendees to the best of our ability and to set up the programs. We’ve done the research and we believe we pay the best in the industry and if you believe that we don’t, let’s talk about it. We know writers often get the short end of the stick; as ProPath was founded by working writers and instructors, we put our focus on ensuring you are paid what you deserve.
If there are any issues in your workshop with writers, it’s our job to step in and help you out. We’re here to help ensure your workshop is safe, including for you.
If you think you have a great idea for a workshop, want to explore teaching for the first time, or want to keep teaching after years of experience, send us an email at We’d love to talk to you and see if we can partner together!